Input | How do I Read From Stdin?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to read from stdin as Input in different programming languages we have different ways to get the input from the user or get the input at the time of execution so here we will discuss all the possible ways to get the data from the user at the run time in some different programming languages.



Input In different programming languages

For different programming languages, we have different methods, functions, and Syntaxes for taking the input at the time of program execution and here we will discuss all the input methods along with some examples that how we take input in different programming languages.


For taking input in python programming we use the input() method and take input so let’s take an example for the same.

input_ string = input(" Enter some input: ")

As it will take the input at the time of execution of the program and store it in the input string variable. Here we do not describe any prior data type to the scanning variable so it can take any input.


In the case of java, we need to keep certain thongs in mind first we need to use the scanner class to get the input and we need to describe the data type of the variable before where we are going to store the data input at the time of execution or in a simple way we can say we take input of the data type which is pre-defined. For example, look at the code given below.

import java .util. Scanner;

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String input String = scanner. nextLine();

Here the variable input string is going to store the input which must be in the string data type.


In Cpp also we need to pre define the data type of variable which is going to store the value taken at the time of execution. For example, look at the code given below.

#include <iostream>

std:: string input_ string;
std:: getline( std:: cin, input_ string);


Here also we need to give the data type to the variable where we are going to store the data taken by the user a the time of execution for example or understand it better look at the example code given below.

#include <stdio.h>

char input_ string[100];
fgets( input_ string, 100, stdin);


To learn more about How do I read from the stdin visit: Taking input at the time of execution.

To learn more about python solutions and tutorials related to the problems faced in solving python problems visit: Python Tutorials And Problems.

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