Beginning of c++


C++ was discovered by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs.C is powerful structured language. C is reliable, simple and easy to use and has ability to extend itself. But it is observed that certain real life problems are difficult to code in C. As the programs grew larger, even the structured approach fails to show the desired result .The programs becomes difficult to maintain and reusability of programs decreases. Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ based on C. This is the reason C++ is called as incremented version of C.

Most of the C features are also available in C++. In addition to those, Bjarne Stroustrup added features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). OOP is an approach to program organisation and development . In OOP the emphasis is on data rather than procedure.Programm are divided into objects and it follows the bottom up approach in program design .The approach of OOP is more closer to real life problems. Suppose you want to build a house or repair your bike, or even to take admission for a course, first you think about the object and its purpose and behaviour. Then you select your tools and procedures. The solution fits the problem. In real life many times we use the same name but with different reference. As human beings we understand it.

C++ provides constructs so that we can assign same name, to similar actions. The object – oriented features such as classes, function overloading, operator are added in C++. This makes C++ an Object Oriented Programming Language.Editors, Compliers, Data bases, Communication Systems, and any real life complex system to be developed in C++. C++ programs can be easily maintained and expanded. A new feature can be easily added in C++ program. In C++, The elements of GUI (Graphical user In menus, windows etc can be developed. Now a days the demand for GUI based software is increasing.)

C++ runs on a variety of platforms that are  Windows, Mac OS, ubuntu and some of UNIX. this post will help to learn from the strict to the extreme level of  C++ with some funny tricks and exciting question  giving you  programmers a high level of control over system resources and memory.C++ is a very flexible language that was favouring software programming and also embedded resources.C++ is useful in many department like video editing gaming learning programming creating some every day app.


1.It is very usefully in programming advance version of software and more frequent and easy to get comfortable with.Most of the new app and software are developing by this language.

2.It is fast and allow programs to have a great hand on hardware so it also very useful in gaming department.

3.It is mostly used in developing medicial and engineerings applications like software for ct scan ,MRI machine etc.

there are many more department where developer are much comfortable in using c++ and it a easy language to set hand on.


1.C++ is a:

a. General purpose programming language

b.Client-side scripting language

c.Movie making program


2. Who discover C++?

a. Bjarne Stroustrup

b. Bjarne bell

c. Herb Sutter


3. In which year C++ was discovered ?

a. 1978



some theory question?

1.How C++ is different from other high-level languages?

2.Why C++ is called a  superset of C?

3.What are the additional features in C++?



  1. code block
  2. codelite
  3. conTEXT
  4. NewbieIDE
  5. Dev-C++
  7. Notepad
  8. SkyIDE
  9. etc…



so lets begin with the our first program


before being with this a program is always a collection of commands and must be wondering what is command and statements. basically statement are the description that are given by command.

the code for “HELLO WORLD” program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


  cout << “Hello world”;

  return 0;



Hello world


lets study the code term by term :

c++ has many headers in each of which contains information needed for the programs to work better and properly .In the program there is <iostream>

# :means the compiler’s pre-processor.

namespace std : tells the compiler to use standard namespace

{: beginning of the code

}: end of the code

<< :to insert the data

; : used to end each command in compiler

int main :the main part of there code from where the command has shared  to processor that how exactly the program is going to work.

return 0: to terminate the main function.


A character can be a alphabet, digital symbol or special symbol  used to represent information.collection of the character that are used in any language such set is called as character set of that particular langanue. in every language we can use only those character that are included in its set of character of the language.

example :

ALPHABET:  A,B,C,_ _ _ _ _ Z

DIGITS : 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

SPECIAL SYMBOL-!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,”,<,>,?,. ETC


smallest individual units in program are called tokens.

C++ consist of the this  following tokens:

  1. keywords
  2. constant
  3. strings
  4. Operators
  5. Identifiers

The program are written as per the syntax rule of the language.syntax rule are grammatical rule for writing programs.


Set of quantities which are of same kind and work similarly are Called as data type .C++ is rich in data type following are the data type in C++

  1. Built in type (basic or primary data type)
  2. User defined type
  3. Derived type (structured)

BUILT IN TYPE: are classified in 5 type

  1. Integer(int)
  2. Character(char)
  3. Float(float)
  4. Double(double)
  5. Void(void)

User. defined type: are classified in 4 type

  1. Structure
  2. Union
  3. Class
  4. Enumeration

one of the major advantages of c++is that the user defines the data type and that can be used as if build in data type.

Derived type: are classified in 3 type

  1. Array
  2. Functions
  3. Pointer

they are also called as secondary data type formed by using basic data type of the language.

To know more about the data types please check the next post about build in data types

Hope this post was useful and clear to understand if you guys have any doubt ragarding anything please comment below and let me know





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