exe file | How to Converting a python script to exe?

In this tutorial, we will see the steps involved in Converting a python script to an executable file( popularly known as exe file) which involves a number of steps that we will see one by one to get an executable file.

exe file

Steps Involved In File Conversion from Python Script to Exe

For making it done we need to follow the steps given below along with the code given to execute.

  1. Install pyinstaller package:  it is nothing but a python installer that needs to install First, you will need to install the pyinstaller package, which is a third-party tool that converts Python scripts to executable files. You can install it using pip, the package installer for Python, by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
pip install pyinstaller


2. Create a Python script: Write the Python script that you want to convert into an executable file. Make sure that it is free of any syntax errors or bugs, and that all necessary modules and packages are imported

3. Generate a spec file: In order to convert your script into an executable, you first need to generate a spec file. This file tells pyintaller how to package your script and any dependencies into the final executable. You can generate this file by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pyinstaller --name=< name_ of_ executable> --onefile <path_to_script>

4. Modify the spec file (if necessary): Depending on your script’s requirements, you may need to modify the spec file that was generated in the previous step. For example, you may need to include additional data files or exclude certain modules that are not needed for your application. You can edit the spec file using a text editor.

5. Now we have to Build the executable: Once you have generated and modified the spec file, you can build the executable by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pyinstaller <name_ of_ spec_ file>. spec

6. Test the executable: After the build process is complete, you should test the executable to make sure that it works as expected. You can do this by running the executable file from the command line or by double-clicking on it in your file explorer.

7. Distribute the executable: Finally, you can distribute the executable file to your users. They can run it on their system without needing to have Python installed. These are simple steps that need to be followed.


To learn more about Converting a python script to exe visit:  by geeks for geeks.

To learn more about python solutions to the problems which we might face during any executing program from concepts to tutorials for following the steps visit: Python Tutorials And Problems.


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