How to Sort Using Embedded Document Fields?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to sort using embedded document fields we use dot notation to specify the fields within the embedded document that you want to sort on.


Sort using Embedded document Fields

Here we have given an example code for sorting the collection called the ‘order on the basis of date field within the customer as an embedded document:

db. orders. find(). sort({"": 1})

As we can provide an additional field for sorting if on the first then it will start sorting on the basis of another field that we had provided so here also we can program to sort on the second field if it is not working with first field, For same we have given an example of a code below which could lead to sort on the basis of it.

db. orders. find(). sort({" customer. date": 1, "customer. name": -1})

Although it is the same sorting as sorting over any field using the sort() method there is some difference that is in embedded. moreover, when we use dot notations for specifying the path as a nested field for sorting we have the privilege to add as many layers of sorting as we want to sort the same thing.

During shorting for embedded document fields. it’s important to consider the data type of the field to understand it in better ways take an example.

If you’re sorting on a field that contains strings, the sort order will be based on lexicographical order rather than numerical order. If you’re sorting on a field that contains numbers or dates, you’ll want to make sure that the field is stored as the appropriate data type (for example, number or date) in order to get the correct sort order.

If the embedded document field you’re sorting on is missing from some documents in the collection, those documents will be sorted based on the default sort order (which is insertion order if no other sort order is specified). To exclude documents with missing fields from the results, you can use the $exists, operator in our query which looks like(‘customer. date’: (‘$exists’: true)).

One to keep in mind here is sorting could cause a large expense especially when we are sorting on a large database which is generally large only in the case of MongoDB.


To learn more about How to Sort Using Embedded Document Fields visit: embedded sorting in MongoDB

To learn more about MongoDB visit: MongoDB Problems And Tutorials.

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