How To Work With Dates And Times In MongoDB?

In this tutorial, we will learn to work with dates and times in MongoDB where we can perform a number of operations on data and time like sorting, querying dates, and aggregating dates that we are going to implement here one by one.



There are different ways and features that we may use on date and time in MongoDB to perform a number of actions that we are going to discuss here one by one in detail with examples.

We can also specify the format of date and date time in mongiDB as per our choice where it provides a different way to store our dates that could like
YYYY- mm- DD, YYY- mm- DD THH: mm: SS, YYY- mm- DD THH: MM: ss Z which all are stored in the form of sting and it could easily convert in to date format also.

The conversion of date and time from string to date time is a very easy way which we could simply apply by some i

Sorting Of Dates

As we know at times we need to sort the data and it might be the date that we might sort for sorting the date follow the set of codes given below

db.collection.find().sort({ date: -1 })

Here we have to give the order to sort as we can see here we have given -1 to arrange it in descending order. Here sorting is done on the date by checking the date the older date it will be considered as the more and the newer date will be considered as a lower date.

And in the same way, the date is being sorted. We can even sort the dates which are stored in different formats either if converting both the dates in either if the formate or simply by extracting only dates from date time formate and then compare both the dates as per our choice and draw the conclusion.

Querying The Dates

In querying the date we can compare two dates to find the relation between the two dates which date is greater and which is older and based alone it gets the result as per our requirements. To follow the same get the code here to execute and get it done what exactly we want.

db.collection.find({ date: { $gte: new Date("2023-02-01T00:00:00Z"), $lte: new Date("2023-02-28T23:59:59Z") } })

Here are two dates which are compared here.

Aggregating Dates

In this, we can perform certain actions and could get the number of days, months, or years. Such calculations are needed to get the difference between two dates where we can get the difference in terms of any of the time quantity.

    $group: {
      _id: { $dayOfMonth: "$date" },
      count: { $sum: 1 }

Here we can we can also find the day of the month also using the day of month function.


To learn more about How To Work With Dates And Times In MongoDB at Different Date operations in MongoDB.

To learn more about MongoDB at MongoDB Tutorials And Problems And to learn more about different programming languages at beta Python Programming Languages tutorials

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