Difference Between NoSQL and MySQL Databases

Here we will discuss the difference between MySQL and NoSQL where MySQL is a structured Query Language whereas no SQL does not have any predefined structure there is no schema that well defines it where Data is stored in the form of Tables and different rows and columns in the case on MySQL which is … Read more

How do you rename a MongoDB database?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to rename a MongoDB database. However, there is no such direct method available just like MySQL to rename the existing database but there is always a second way to do so and we complete using some specific Steps that we will learn below. Rename The Database In MongoDB … Read more

How Can I List All Collections In The MongoDB Shell?

Here We will discuss How can I list all collections in the MongoDB shell where there are two ways to get the important list of all the collections in the MongoDB Shell and the are get collections and show collections. Let’s understand all of them one by one. Collections are document or group of documents … Read more

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