What is MongoDB?

In this Tutorial, we will learn What is MongoDB, As it is a database management system that deals which documents, Collections, and fields to store the data in a non-structural way where the structure is not a priority. Whichid developed by MongoDB inc. MongoDB MongoDB was founded by three friends Dwight Merriman,  Eliot Horowitz, and … Read more

How To Work With Dates And Times In MongoDB?

In this tutorial, we will learn to work with dates and times in MongoDB where we can perform a number of operations on data and time like sorting, querying dates, and aggregating dates that we are going to implement here one by one. Dates There are different ways and features that we may use on … Read more

How do you rename a MongoDB database?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to rename a MongoDB database. However, there is no such direct method available just like MySQL to rename the existing database but there is always a second way to do so and we complete using some specific Steps that we will learn below. Rename The Database In MongoDB … Read more

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