Display calendar

To display calendar of a year here,we are using a calendar function and to display a particular month of a year ,we are using a month function from calendar module of python. #import the calender module import calendar print(“To display a calender of given month”) yy=int(input(“Enter a year”)) mm=int(input(“Enter a month to be display”)) print(calendar.month(yy,mm)) … Read more

Temperature conversion

This is a python program to convert temperature from Celsius  to Fahrenheit . print(“Temperature conversion”) print(“1.celcius to fehrenheit”, “2.fehrenheit to celcius”) choice=int(input(“Enter your choice”)) if choice==1: c=int(input(“Enter temperature in celcius”)) f=(9*c)/5+32 print(f”temperature in fehrenheit is {f}”) else: f = int(input(“Enter temperature in fehrenheit”)) c = ((f-32)*5)/9 print(f”temperature in celcius is {f}”)  

Distance conversion

This is a python program to convert distance from kilometers to miles. print(” Distance conversion”) print(“1.kilometer to miles”, “2.miles to kilometer”) choice=int(input(“Enter your choice”)) if choice==1: d1=int(input(“Enter distance in kilometer”)) d2=d1*0.621371 print(f”Distance in miles is {d2}”) else: d1 = int(input(“Enter distance in miles”)) d2=d1/0.621371 print(f”Distance in kilometer is {d2}”)  

Random number

Random number is generated using a python built-in module i. e. random.random function of random module generate a random floating point number and rand-int  function generate a random number between the given interval. import random print(“Enter two numbers between them we wants to genrate a number:”) num1=int(input()) num2=int(input()) rnum=random.randint(num1,num2) print(rnum)  

Python Program to Swap Two Number – Without Using Third Variable

This is python program to swap two numbers given by user as input  – a=input(“enter first number”) b=input(“enter second number”) print(f”numbers before swapping: a={a},b={b}”) a,b=b,a print(f”numbers after swapping: a={a},b={b}”) Tags: python basic programs, python swap two, top python,

Arithmatic operation

print(“Enter two numbers to perform arithmatic operation:”) num1=int(input()) num2=int(input()) print(“Addition of the given numbers is “,num1+num2) print(“Subtraction of the given numbers is “,num1-num2) print(“Multiplication of the given numbers is “,num1*num2) print(“Division of the given numbers is “,num1/num2) print(“Floor division of the given numbers is “,num1//num2) print(“Modulus of the given numbers is “,num1%num2) print(“Power of the … Read more

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