How To Use Python3 “os” Module On Deployment?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to Use Python3 “os” module on deployment where os module in python helps python to deal with the Operating system which could be used for performing a number of tasks in python from editing the path in the environment variable, directory management, Process management, and indifferent others.


It is generally used for managing files, directories, and anything related to an environment variable and system So here we will see different uses of OS modules in python.

OS Modules In Python3

There are different applications of the os module which we will discuss here.

  1. Creating a new directory:

To create a new directory using the “os” module, you can use the “os. mkdir()” method. For example, to create a directory called “logs” in the current working directory, you can use the following code:

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import os
os.mkdir( "logs")
import os os.mkdir( "logs")
import os

os.mkdir( "logs")
  1. Changing the current working directory:

To change the current working directory using the “os” module, you can use the “os. chdir()” method. For example, to change the current working directory to a directory called “app”, you can use the following code.

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import os
os.chdir( "app")
import os os.chdir( "app")
import os

os.chdir( "app")
  1. Setting environment variables:

As we know adding the path To set environment variables is very essential and for doing the same using the “os” module, you can use the “os. environ” dictionary. For example, to set an environment variable called “DB_USER” to a value of “user”, you can use the following code:

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import os
os.environ[' DB_USER'] = 'myuser'
import os os.environ[' DB_USER'] = 'myuser'
import os

os.environ[' DB_USER'] = 'myuser'
  1. Running a shell command:

To run a shell command using the “os” module, you can use the “os. system()” method. For example, to run a shell command that prints the current date and time, you can use the following code:

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import os
os.system( 'date')
import os os.system( 'date')
import os

os.system( 'date')
  1. Checking if a file or directory exists:

To check if a file or directory exists using the “os” module, you can use the “os.path.exists()” method. For example, to check if a file called “data.csv” exists in the current working directory, you can use the following code:

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import os
if os. path. exists( 'data.csv'):
print( 'File exists')
print( 'File does not exist')
import os if os. path. exists( 'data.csv'): print( 'File exists') else: print( 'File does not exist')
import os

if os. path. exists( 'data.csv'):
    print( 'File exists')
    print( 'File does not exist')
  1. Removing a file or directory:

To remove a file or directory using the “os” module, you can use the “os. remove()” or “os. rmdir()” method, respectively. For example, to remove a file called “data.csv” in the current working directory, you can use the following code:

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import os
os.remove(' data.csv')
import os os.remove(' data.csv')
import os

os.remove(' data.csv')

These are just a few of all the functions of what is module could do its functionalities and work


To know more about How to Use Python3 “os” module on deployment visit: Use of os module in Python by stack overflow.

To learn more about Python solutions and tutorials of problems faced in python visit: Python Tutorials And Problems.


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