In this post we will study about “QUEUE” and its application.
- Like stack queue is a linear structure.
- which follows a particular order in which the operations are performed.
- The order is First In First Out (FIFO).
- Unlike stacks, a queue is open at both its ends.
- One end is always used to insert data (enqueue) and the other is used to remove data (dequeue).
Examples of QUEUE:
- examplee of queue can be a single-lane one-way road where the vehicle enters first exits first.
- queue at the ticket windows and bus-stop.
Operations on Queue:
There are 4 type of operation performed in queue:
- Enqueue
- Dequeue
- Front
- Rear.
- The word means add an item to the queue.
- If the queue is full, then it is said to be an Overflow condition.
Algorithm for enqueue operation:
1. Create a new node
2. Assign the item to info
set ptr->info = item
3. Adjust ptr
set ptr->next= NULL
4. Check for existing queue
if ( rear==NULL)
set rear=ptr
set front=ptr
else goto 5.
5. Adjust rear pointer
Set rear -> next =ptr
Set rear= ptr
before enqueue
after enqueue
int enqueue(int data) if(isfull()) return 0; rear = rear + 1; queue[rear] = data; return 1; end procedure
- Removes an item from the queue.
- The items are popped in the same order in which they are pushed.
- If the queue is empty, then it is said to be an Underflow condition.
Algorithm for dequeue operation:
1. Check if queue is Empty
if (front==NULL)
display “Stack Empty ” and exit else goto 2
2. Set temp=front
3. Adjust fron
4. Display temp->info
before dequeue
after dequeue
int dequeue() { if(isempty()) return 0; int data = queue[front]; front = front + 1; return data; }
- Get the front item from queue.
int peek() { return queue[front]; }
- Get the last item from queue
bool isempty() { if(front < 0 || front > rear) return true; else return false; }