Exception | How Do You Test That A Python Function Throws An Exception?

In this post, we will learn How to test that a Python function throws an Exception where we can use the assert raises method from the in built module called the ‘unit test’ module which we can directly import from the library. Catching Exception Here we have given an example where we can see how … Read more

What Is Exception Handling And How Many Types Of Exceptions Are There In Java?

Here we will discuss What Is Exception Handling And How Many Types Of Exceptions Are There In Java? The exception is a situation in OOPs programming where further execution of the program is not possible due to some error, Or we can say when some error occurs in execution. To handle such conditions we introduced … Read more

What causes a Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception and how do I prevent it?

In this Tutorial, we will discuss another exception handling What causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it? As we know that exception handling is a property of Objective orientation programming. And ArrayOutOfBoundsException is an exception where the exception occurs when we try to access the index of the array which actually does not … Read more

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