Linked List Program in Python – Create Linked List, Add Node, Iterrate and Print Data

Lets try to create Linked List in Python as part of out Data structure Tutorial. Problem Statement  Create Linked List Basic Program in Python. Solution Lets understand the Very basic about Linked List – Linked List are dynamic array type data structure where nodes and allocated on the fly i.e. dynamically and address/link or next … Read more

Python Program to Print Table – Basic Python Program

Python program to print multiplication table of a number given by user. Python Program to Print Table – Basic Python Program num=int(input(“Enter a number to print it’s multiplication table:”)) temp=1 i=1 while i<=10: temp=num*i print(f”{num} * {i} = {temp}”) i+=1     Tags: Print table, python program to print tables

Display calendar

To display calendar of a year here,we are using a calendar function and to display a particular month of a year ,we are using a month function from calendar module of python. #import the calender module import calendar print(“To display a calender of given month”) yy=int(input(“Enter a year”)) mm=int(input(“Enter a month to be display”)) print(calendar.month(yy,mm)) … Read more

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