How to Update Multiple Array Elements In MongoDB

In this tutorial, we will get to know How to Update Multiple Array Elements in MongoDB which we can do using the $element match operator along with the combination of the $set operator and the ‘$[] ‘ positional operator.


Update Multiple Array Elements

Here we have given an example to implement the same and get it done.

db. collection.update any(
   { },
   { $set: { "arrayField.$[ elem]. field To Update": "new Field Value" } },
   { array Filters: [ { "elem.field To Match": "value To Match" }, { "elem. field To Match": "value To Match2" } ] }


And here we have some explanations for the variables and the naming of the databases and tables and arrays which are.

  • The collection is the name of the MongoDB collection.
  • The array field is the name of the field that contains the array.
  • The field to update is the exact name of the field that you want to update.
  • New Field values is the new value that you want to set Field to update to.
  • Field to match is the name of the field within each element of the array that you want to match.
  • Value to Match and Value to match to are the values that you want to match Field to Match against.

Here the update to many methods is used to update the multiple documents in the collection that match the specified filter. The first argument of the Update many methods is also the filter to match documents to update. In this example, an empty filter{  }is used to match all documents in the collection.

The second argument of the Update to many methods is also the update operation. The $set operator is used to set the value of the field to update to a new field value. The $[ ] positional operator is used to update all elements of the array that match the specified criteria.

The third argument of the Update to many methods is an options object that specifies the array filters to use. The array filter option is an array of filters that are used to match elements of the array. In this example, two filters are used to match elements of the array where the field to many is equal to Value to match 1 or Value to match 2.

Note that you can use multiple $[ ] positional operators to update different fields of the same array element, or to update different array elements that match different criteria. For the same, we have given an example which is as followed so have a look at this.

   { },
      $set: {
         "arrayField.$[elem1].fieldToUpdate1": "newFieldValue1",
         "arrayField.$[elem2].fieldToUpdate2": "newFieldValue2"
      arrayFilters: [
         { "elem1.fieldToMatch": "valueToMatch1" },
         { "elem2.fieldToMatch": "valueToMatch2" }

In the example above two ‘$[ ]’ positional operations are for update field to update1 and 2 and even for different array that matches.



To learn more about How to Update Multiple Array Elements in MongoDB visit: by MongoDB

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