Python program to Identify Even and Odd Elements in List

first we understand what is even and odd :

Even :

Even  number means those numbers which are  divided by 2 (two)

Odd :

Odd number means those numbers which are not divided by 2 (two)

Now we understand what is list :

List :

List is a group of elements

It can be store different type of elements

It is mutable object

It is represent in square bracket [ ]

Input  :

s= [12,52,73,94,45,16]
Output :
even: 12
even: 52
odd : 73
even: 94
odd : 45
even: 16

Algorithm :

First we make a list of some elements

Then we  use while loop for accessing elements

After that we use if and else for checking the elements

And at last print even and odd numbers

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#Python program to print odd numbers in a List
s= [12,52,73,94,45,16]
n=0 # initialization
while n<len(s):
if s[n]%2==0: # condition check
print("even:" ,s[n]) # if True
print("odd :",s[n]) # if False
even: 12
even: 52
odd : 73
even: 94
odd : 45
even: 16
#Python program to print odd numbers in a List s= [12,52,73,94,45,16] n=0 # initialization while n<len(s): if s[n]%2==0: # condition check print("even:" ,s[n]) # if True else: print("odd :",s[n]) # if False n=n+1 output: even: 12 even: 52 odd : 73 even: 94 odd : 45 even: 16
#Python program to print odd numbers in a List
s= [12,52,73,94,45,16]
n=0     # initialization
while n<len(s):  
  if s[n]%2==0:     # condition check
    print("even:" ,s[n])    # if True
    print("odd :",s[n])    # if False 

even: 12
even: 52
odd : 73
even: 94
odd : 45
even: 16

For more  python program practice :

Find the number is Armstrong number or not // python program

Find the Duplicate Elements in the List – Python List Program


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