What Does The ‘Static’ Keyword Do In A Class?

In this tutorial, we will learn What Does The ‘Static’ Keyword Do In A Class? in java, the Static keyword is generally used for memory management where the keyword is used to share the same variable or method of a given class in java. Static Keyword It is a non-access modifier in java where we … Read more

How to Inherit The Properties Of One Class To Another Class In Java?

We will learn How to Inherit The Properties Of One Class To Another Class In Java? where one class inherited the property of another using the keyword Extends which inherited all the properties of the parent class to the child class. Inheritance Just like its literal meaning inheritance means getting the properties of one(Parents) to … Read more

How To Print Odd And Even Numbers Using Different Classes In Java Program?

Here we will discuss How To Print Odd And Even Numbers Using Different Classes In Java Programs where we can use one class to find all odd the elements in one class and the rest of all will be even so print the rest of all at different places which will be called as even. … Read more

Why Multiple Inheritance Is Not Supported In Java And We Can Do So?

Here we will find out Why Multiple Inheritance is not supported in Java And We can do so? As multiple inheritances lead to ambiguity errors so to prevent it is not being allowed in java, using a class but we can perform it using the interface that we will discuss here in detail. Why Multiple … Read more

Python Object Oriented Programming

PYTHON : OOPs Python is a multi-paradigm programming language. It means that Python supports different programming approach. Python Object Oriented Programming approach (OOPs) is the  easiest and the most popular one among them . Introduction to OOPs Object Oriented Programming is referred as a programming approach , where the programs are organised as objects. This … Read more

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