Why does the if-else statement not work and how to fix it?

In this post, we will learn more about Why does the if-else statement does not work and how to fix it where there could be a number of reasons which could be there for showing errors in if statements which are listed with a perfectly working if statement program to map where the problem could be.



It is a conditional statement which used for checking the conditions for matching where it can be used for checking either for equality or relation between two quantities so if there are some errors or not working there can be a number of problems which we will discuss here.

Probable Problems

There are a number of problems that could be there and we have listed all of them here.

  1. Syntax errors: Make sure that the if statement is written correctly, with the proper indentation and syntax. For example, if you’re comparing two values, you need to use the correct comparison operator ( == for equality, != for inequality, etc.).
  2. Variable types: Make sure that the variables you’re comparing are of the same type (e.g., both integers or both strings). If they are of different types, you may need to convert one of them to the other type.
  3. Logic errors: Make sure that the logic of the if statement is correct. For example, if you’re using multiple conditions with logical operators (e.g., and , or), make sure that the conditions are being evaluated in the correct order.
  4. Variable values: Make sure that the variables you’re comparing have the values you expect. You can print out the values of the variables before the if statement to check that they have the expected values.
  5. Case sensitivity: If you’re comparing strings, make sure that the comparison is case-sensitive if needed. For example, “Prakhar” and “Prakhar” are not equal if the comparison is case-sensitive.
  6. Special characters: If you’re comparing strings that contain special characters (e.g., spaces, punctuation), make sure that the comparison takes these characters into account.
  7. Encoding: If you’re comparing strings that use non-ASCII characters (e.g., accented letters), make sure that the encoding is set correctly so that the characters are compared correctly.
  8. Function calls: If you’re calling a function in the if statement, make sure that the function is returning the expected value. You can print out the return value of the function to check that it is what you expect.

And these could be the reasons for showing the error now we have an example of an error free code that we can follow to map your pseudo code for checking where exactly you might have committed the mistakes.

number = 4

if number % 2 == 0:
    print(" The number is even")
    print(" The number is odd")

# The OUTPUT will be
The number is even



To learn more about Why does the if statement does not work and how to fix it you may visit: reasons of error in if else.

To learn more about python problems and solutions along with concepts tutorials visit: Python Tutorials And Problems

To learn more about different other programming languages like Java, MongoDB, MySQL, and python as the solutions to the problems faced during solving it and to get clear on the concepts related to them go ahead with: beta python programming languages Solutions

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