What Are The Alternatives for Returning Multiple Values From A Python Function

In this post we will learn the alternatives for returning multiple values from a Python function as there are several ways to do so which have listed below using  tuple, dictionary, Using mutable objects, and using Global variables even by using a named tuple we can do the same and here we have discussed everything … Read more

How to Search And Replace A Line In A File In Python

In this post, we will learn how to Search and replace a line in a file in Python which we can perform using an in- built function of the file input Module and for which has the property of providing a convenient way to iterate over lines in a file stored in the local location. … Read more

Python | Why Do People Write usr/bin/env Python On The First Line Of Python Script?

In this post, we will learn Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script where it is a shebang or hashbang which has a very specific use for specifying the interpreter that should be used for running the scrip. First Line(usr/bin/env) In Python Script In Python script we write … Read more

How Does Logical Operators For Boolean Indexing In Pandas Works

In this post, we will learn How Logical Operators For Boolean Indexing In Pandas Works as these operate like and(&), or(|), and are useful where we have to deal with multiple conditions. And Examples of the same are given below. Logical Operator In pandas, the operator ‘&’ is called (and), and another ‘|’, also known … Read more

Reverse And Invert A Dictionary Mapping In Python

In this post, we will learn about Reverse and inverted dictionary mapping, and to do so we can create a new dictionary in which the keys and values are swapped for the same, we have given an example below. Reverse And Inverting a Dictionary Although there are different ways we can reverse the dictionary as … Read more

How do I get a Cron Like Scheduler In Python?

In this post, we will learn How to get a Cron like scheduler in Python. where we can do using different libraries one of those is scheduled which uses very less memory so it is said to be a lightweight library that has the property of scheduling the task in a simple and easy way … Read more

Cartesian Product Of x And y Array Points Into single Array Of 2D Points

In this post, we will learn the Cartesian product of x and y array points into a single array of 2D points which we can perform using the meshgrid() function of the numpy module and the example of the same we have given below where we can easily find how we can use and implement … Read more

Different Use Of ‘From Module Import’ and ‘Import Module’?

In this post, we will learn the Different Use of ‘import module’ or ‘From module import’ in Python as both are ways to import the module where the import module if used for importing the entire module unlike in from import, is used for importing a specific function in a given in a module. To … Read more

pip | Dealing With Multiple Python Versions And pip?

In this post, we will learn about Dealing with multiple Python versions and pip. We use pip to manage the modules of python as to install new python modules we use pip and dealing with different versions of python may create some challenges in pip so there are a number of things we need to … Read more

What Are The Differences Between Type() and Isinstance()?

In this post, we will learn What are the differences between Type() and isinstance() where they are used to keep a check on types of objects and they have some differences in them which we will discuss here. Type() It is a built in function that is used to get the data type of the … Read more

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