Some Basic Python String Programs-1


A string is an immutable sequence of  Unicode characters. Unicode includes every character in all languages. Python does not have a character data type, a single character is simply a substring with a length of 1 and can be accessed by using indexing. The string module contains several useful constants and classes, as well as many built-in methods. Strings in Python can be created by enclosing characters in single quotes or double quotes or even triple quotes.

#using single quotes
str1 = 'Python'
#Output: Python
         <class 'str'>

#using double quotes 
str2 = "Python" 
#Output: Python

#using triple quotes 
str3 = '''Python'''
#Output: Python 
#triple are commomnly used for creating multiline strings
str4 = """Beta Python
    !!!Python For You!!!!"""
#Output: Beta Python 
         !!!Python For You!!!

#using str()constructer method
num = 2376
str5 = str(num)
print("num:",num,"Type of num:",type(num))
print("string:",str5,"Type of string:",type(str5))
#Output: num: 2376 Type of num: <class 'int'>
         string: 2376 Type of string: <class 'str'>

Python Program to Merge Two or More Strings

str1 = "Beta Python:" 
str2 = "Python For You"
#using + operator
str3 = str1 + str2
str4 = str1 + " " + str2
print("Concatenate strings without space:",str3)
print("Concatenate strings with space:",str3)
#Output: Concatenate strings without space: Beta Python:Python For You
         Concatenate strings with space: Beta Python: Python For You

#using join() method
str5 = "".join([str1, str2])
str6 = " ".join([str1, str2])
print("Concatenate strings without space:",str5)
print("Concatenate strings with space:",str6)
#Output: Concatenate strings without space: Beta Python:Python For You
         Concatenate strings with space: Beta Python: Python For You
  • The ‘+’ operator joins multiple strings together just like it adds multiple numbers together.
  • The join() built-in string method combines all the elements of iterables passed and returns a concatenated string.

Python Program to Concatenate Triple quote Strings

str1 = """Beta 
str2 = '''Python:
    For You'''
list_str1 = str1.splitlines() 
list_str2 = str2.splitlines() 
con_str = [] 
for i, j in zip(test_str1, list_str2): 
    con_str.append("   " + i.strip() + " " + j.strip()) 
con_str = '\n'.join(con_str) 
#Output: Beta Python:
         Python For You
  • The splitlines() built-in string method splits the string at line breaks and returns a list of words of the string.
  • The zip() built-in method returns an iterator of tuples, grouping the similar index of multiple sequences so that they can be used as a single entity.
  • The strip() built-in string method removes any spaces present at the beginning and at the end of the string.

Python Program to compare strings

str1 = "Python"
str2 = "Python"

print(str1 is str2) 
#Output: True

print(str1 == str2) 
#Output: True

str3 = ''.join(['Py', 'th', 'on'])
str4 = ''.join(['Pyt', 'hon'])

print(str3 is str4) 
#Output: False

print(str3 == str4)
#Output: True
  • The is operator depicts if both the strings point to the same object.
  • The == operator checks whether both the strings are equal.

Python program to print a string with quotes

#Using triple qoutes
str1 = """"Python" For You"""
#Output: "Python" For You

str2 = ''''Python' For You'''
#Output: 'Python' For You

str3 = """'Python' For You"""
#Output: 'Python' For You"

str4 = '''"Python" For You'''
#Output: "Python" For You

#using backslash ("\")
str5 = "\"Python\" For You"
#Output: "Python" For You

str6 = "\'Python\' For You"
#Output: 'Python' For You
  • The backslash “\” is called an escape character in python. If a special character is prefixed with an escape character then it gets turned it into an ordinary string character.

Python Program to Print a String with a Backslash “\”

The backslash (“\”) character used as escape characters, directs the compiler to take a suitable action mapped to character prefixed with it.

#using \\ 
str1 = '''"\\" is a backslash'''
#Output: "\\" is a backslash

#using raw string
str2 = r'''"\" is a backslash'''
#Output: "\\" is a backslash
  • A Python raw string treats backslash (‘\’) as a literal character. Without it, every backslash (‘\’) in a regular expression would have to be prefixed with another character to escape it. A string can be made raw string just by adding an ‘r’ or ‘R’ at the start of it.

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