Some Basic Python String Programs-3

Some Basic Python String Programs-3

Python program to move Word to Rear-end str1 = “Beta Python: Python for U ” word = “Python” #using slicing and find() str2 = str1[:str1.find(word)] + str1[str1.find(word) + len(word):] + word print(str2) #Output: Beta : Python for U Python #using replace() str3 = str1.replace(word,””) + word print(str3) #Output: Beta : for U Python Slicing extracts … Read more

Some Basic Python String Programs-4

Some Basic Python String Programs-4

Python program to check if the string is ASCII string = “Beta Python: Python for U” #using all() and ord() if all(ord(ch) < 128 for ch in string): print(f”{string} is ASCII string”) else: print(f”{string} is not an ASCII string”) #Output: Beta Python: Python for U is ASCII string #using lambda and encode() if lambda ch: … Read more

Some Basic Python String Programs-1

Some Basic Python String Programs-1

String A string is an immutable sequence of  Unicode characters. Unicode includes every character in all languages. Python does not have a character data type, a single character is simply a substring with a length of 1 and can be accessed by using indexing. The string module contains several useful constants and classes, as well … Read more

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