Java program to remove duplicate characters from a string

In this post, you will learn how to find duplicate characters in a string in Java and also method to find the duplicate characters in a string. Problem Statement: You are given a string of characters, and you need to find the duplicate characters in that string using Java program. Duplicate Characters in a string … Read more

Java program to Count the Total number of Characters in a String

In this post you will see the basic java string program that count the total number of characters in a string. Here, first we understand that what is string, String: String is a sequence of characters; string is immutable that means once we created a string, we can’t change its value. In Java the String … Read more

How do I execute a string containing Python code in Python?

In this post, we will learn How to execute a String containing Python code in Python which we can perform using exec() which it takes the String containing python code as the input and executes as if it is simple and normal and that we have nothing special in it. String Containing Here we have … Read more

How Does Python 2 Compare String And Int?

In this tutorial, we will learn How does Python 2 Compare strings and int as it might lead to producing an error when we simply Make a comparison between string and int but we can perform the same using another way which is by making the string as an int by simply using int() function … Read more

How To Check If the String Is Empty?

In this post, we will discuss How to check if the string is empty which we can do using the len() built in function to get the length of the string and then compare it with zero is one of the ways to get it done another way it checking if it is non zero … Read more

How To Convert Bytes to a String?

In this tutorial, we will learn to Convert bytes to a string which we can do using the decode function here we will explore more about the same function and try to learn from an example.   Conversion As we know at times we might need to convert certain things from one form to another … Read more

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string

In this tutorial, we will learn to evaluate a mathematical expression in a string which we can perform using an eval built -in function in a different way that we will discuss here. Mathematical Expression At times we get the input as a string wherein string there is an expression in such cases we have … Read more

How do I compare strings in Java?

In this java tutorial, we will learn how do I compare strings in java. where we have two strings we can compare simply with an inbuilt method .equals() or by simply applying ‘==’ operators where it will compare two strings.   What Is String? The string is an immutable value that can not be edited … Read more

How do I Convert A String To An Integer In Java?

In this Tutorial, we will learn How to convert a String to an int in Java? We can convert a string into an integer in two ways one by parsing and the other by getting the value from the string. Ways To Convert A String To An Integer There are two ways to convert a … Read more

Java | Why Can’t I Use Switch Statement On A String?

Here we will find out Why can’t I use a switch statement on a String? in Java Switch can take only Integers, Short, and characters as input because the size it can accommodate is -128 to 127 where all the characters come and in this range, we can see those integers also come but the … Read more

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