Threads | Is There Any Way To Kill A Thread?

In this tutorial, we will discuss whether Is there any way to kill a Thread. where the thread is part of a large process and at some times we have to kill the thread as there is the situation of deadlock which simply means we can not go ahead at that moment using such thread as there is some serious problem with that thread we can not avoid at that moment.



That all the threads end after executing the run function that time the thread life cycle ends with the threads killed there after executing different functions like suspend(), resume(), and stop() which are previously used in the thread cycle..

To kill the thread follow the self explanatory code given below and follow it to get help in clearing the concept using examples.

import threading

class MyThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__ init__()
        self .stop _flag = threading .Event()

    def run(self):
        while not self. stop_ flag.is_ set():
            # do some work here

    def stop(self):
        self.stop_ flag. set()

# create and start the thread
my_thread = MyThread()
my_thread. start()

# stop the thread
my_thread. stop()

Here my thread is the name of the thread that was created and executes the functions of the thread in its life cycle which it could it has. And at the end, we simply kill the thread using the start() function.

And as we see here we have used all the functions or components of the thread to execute and get the thread completed completely.


To learn more thread life Cycle from starting to killing the thread manually visit Killing the thread in python in the thread cycle.

To learn more about python programming and solve the problems related it along with getting the concepts visit: simple operation on python.

And to learn more about different programming languages solutions and concepts visit beta Python Programming Languages tutorials.


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