How Do I Remove All Packages Installed by pip?

How Do I Remove All Packages Installed by pip n python it is a two- step process where first we select all the packages and then uninstall with the command uninstall to understand it in a better way following the instructions given below. Packages in Python Packages in Python are the directories of python modules … Read more

Dictionary | How To Change The Name Of A Key In Dictionary?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to Change the name of a key in the dictionary where the dictionary stores the data in the form of key value pair and to rename we simply use pop() to rename the old name with a new name. Dictionary In Python A dictionary in python is a … Read more

NumPy | How Do I Add An Extra Column To A NumPy Array?

In this Tutorial, we will learn more about How To Add An Extra Column To A NumPy Array which we can do using two different ways which are using numpy. concatenate is somewhat the same as concatenating two arrays and numpy.vstack method. NumPy Numpy is a large library in python that deals with single and … Read more

How To Compare Two Dates?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to How compare two dates, we can compare two dates in python using a module datetime where we can perform an operation to find greater or lesser dates in between two given dates. Compare Two Dates In python, we perform most of the operations with the help of … Read more

List And Tuple | What Is The Difference Between List And Tuple?

In this Tutorial, we will learn The Difference Between a List And Tuple. Here there are four different differences between tuples and lists that are mutability, syntax, usage, and performance we will discuss them one by one. List And Tuple As we know a list and a tuple are two different data structures which used … Read more

Converting From A String To Boolean In Python.

Here we will learn how we can Converting From A String To a Boolean In Python which can be done using three different ways like bool(), eval(), and map() which might be required when we want to be entered only values and one of them could be entered in such cases we convert the string … Read more

Integer | How do I check whether a variable is an integer?

Here in this tutorial, we will learn to check whether a variable is an integer, as it is required multiple times when we need to find whether we can perform numerical operations or not on given values, Or sometimes maybe need to convert the given value into an integer. Integer As we know to get … Read more

How To Retrieve A Module’s Path?

In this tutorial, we will learn How To Retrieve A Module’s Path as modules the used for getting the results from other python programs or files where the coded programs are stored for further use. And some time we need certain modules to be used for different programs and for them we need to know … Read more

Packages | What Is The Difference Between pip And Conda?

In this tutorial, we will discuss the difference between pip And Conda, where both are used for managing the packages in python but both of them have certain differences that we will discuss here. Packages Managing in Python There are different ways to manage the modules of python using pip and using conda that we … Read more

Multiprocessing vs Multithreading In Python

In this tutorial, we will learn the difference between Multiprocessing vs Multithreading In Python where there are two techniques that are used for achieving parallel processing and concurrency in software. Multiprocessing Muti processing refers to the situation when multiple processes are executed at some point in time. where every process running at the moment has … Read more

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