What Are Type Hints In Python 3.5?

In this post, we will learn What is types of Hints in Python 3.5 which itis a way to determine and specify the type of the arguments of a function and make the return type of the same type which is available in python 3.5 and the latest versions. They aren’t provided by the interpreter itself rather they are available in only some of the tools which are listed below along with the examples.


Hints In Python

As we know this is not a feature of the interpreter but it is being provided with some of the python tools like type checker, linters, and IDEs for providing some extra features and helpful code analysis to make it easy to use the python.

Here we have given an example of a function that is using the hint the in defining the datatype of the function arguments.

def add_numbers( x: int, y: int) -> int:
    return x + y

Here in the above code example, we have given a function with two arguments as x and y, and with the help of, if hint we are able to get the data type of bot although we did not define or know to us the types of data.

It is also helpful in making the data or the code we write in make easy and readable which helps in debugging as it provides certain tags to identify, And at some time it helps us to avoid mistakes as it provides hint for the data type of the argument and we can provide the data variable accordingly.

There are a number of additional things we get in hint which have been discussed here.

  • It is used as specified which uses a colon ‘:’ followed by the expected type which could be ther. take an example, of ‘x: int’ here which specifies that x is expected to be an integer.
  • It can be used for function arguments, and return values, along with variables.
  • It can be used for built-in type such as all the primitive data type like integer, float, decimal, boolean, list, and also tuple, and set as well as for user-defined classes and type.
  • It can be more complex than simple type. For example, dict[ str, int] specifies a dictionary with string keys and integer values.
  • It can also include optional and default arguments. For example, ‘x: int =0′ specifies that x’ is an integer with a default value of 0.
  • It can be used with the typing module to specify more different type, such as unions, tuples, and generics.


To learn more about What are type hints in Python 3.5 visit: by real python.

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