How Does Authorization Work In MongoDB?

In this tutorial, we will learn How does authorization work in MongoDB where authorization is used to control access to the database and its resources. MongoDB supports role-based access control (RBAC) and provides a number of built-in roles that can be used to control access to various resources. Authorization To understand the Authorization we need … Read more

Which MySQL Data Type To Use For Storing Boolean Values?

In this tutorial, we will find Which MySQL Data Type To Use For Storing Boolean Values MySQL does not have any such kind of data type as Boolean but we make int as TINYINT to store only two values that are zero or one where zero means false and one means true. DataTypes In MySQL … Read more

Database | How Do I quickly Rename A MySQL Database?

Here we will know How Do I quickly Rename A MySQL Database where we know we can not rename the existing database but we can put the whole data in the new database and we can put the name of the new database as per our choice, Which indirectly renaming the database. Steps To Rename … Read more

Insert Into A MySQL Table Or Update If Exists

In this tutorial we will learn Insert Into A MySQL Table Or Update If Exists there is a command to insert the data in a table that is insert into table and to update the table we use update command to update it. Insert A New Record In to Table Insert is a command which … Read more

What Are Primary Key And How It Is Different From Other?

In this tutorial, we will learn What are Primary Key and how it is different from other keys where the primary key uniquely identifies each row in the table as it stores only a unique value for each record. Primary Key As we know to identify someone around tons of things we need a unique … Read more

GROUP BY | How We Can Use MySQL Query GROUP BY?

In this tutorial, we will Find out How We Can Use MySQL Query GROUP BY as a group is used to display the result of the table in a grouped manner means grouping the same data in one set to display. Use Of GROUP BY This clause is always used with some function like sum, … Read more

How do I see all foreign keys to a table or column?

In this Tutorial, we will learn How to see all Foreign Keys to a table or column in MySQL a foreign key is a column or group of columns used for establishing a relation between two tables during extracting the data from two tables it provides a filter to get the data that we want. … Read more

Query | How To Select All The Possible Row By a Query?

Here we are going to discuss How To Select All The Possible Row By a Query where we want to display either the whole data of the table or the data of selected columns and to do so we use the select command to display such things. We can display the data of the table … Read more

How do I Change the Data Type for a column in MySQL?

In this tutorial we will learn How to Change the data Type for a column in MySQL As changing the datatype of any column is a making change in the definition of a table and for making changes in the definition of a table we use alter command where Alter command is used for making … Read more

How to Delete/Add a column in an Existing Table in MySQL

In this tutorial, we will learn How to delete/Add a column in an existing table in MySQL, as adding and deleting are very important for a database. These all are done by DDL Data Defination Language as we are dealing with the manipulation of the Structure of the table. The update is the query that … Read more

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