Sleep | How Do I Get My Program To Sleep For 3 seconds?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to get my program to sleep for 50 milliseconds as the sleep function is used for pausing the current execution of a program as many times we need to give a pause to the execution to avoid deadlock at times. As this sleep built in function is defined in package time so to use such in built function we need to import them first.



As time package provides different types of built in functions and one of those in built function we are discussing here is Sleep() which pauses the current execution of the program and put the system to sleep which might be for different reasons like avoiding deadlock and making the data flow smooth and execute the program in a smooth way.

Those smooth ways could be any think that we are not discussing here but to clear time we may use this when we have to wait for the result to get from another execution and then use it in your current program in such cases just to make sure that you get the value we may pause he execution and once we get the value we may continue with execute .

For an example execution and implement the sleep() function look at the example given below to learn more and clear the doubt related to it.

import time

# sleep for 3 seconds
print('Sleep time: ', str(3), 'seconds')
print('Woke up after: ', str(3), 'seconds')

# Output:
# Sleep time: 3 seconds
# Woke up after: 3 seconds

Here the execution of the program will be paused for 3 seconds and after that, it will be continued and keep on execution.


To learn more about sleep in built function visit: Sleep in built function in python.

To learn more about python programming and related solutions visit Some Basic Python String Programs-3

To learn more about different programming languages visit beta python programming languages Solutions.

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