How do I see all foreign keys to a table or column?

In this Tutorial, we will learn How to see all Foreign Keys to a table or column in MySQL a foreign key is a column or group of columns used for establishing a relation between two tables during extracting the data from two tables it provides a filter to get the data that we want. … Read more

Query | How To Select All The Possible Row By a Query?

Here we are going to discuss How To Select All The Possible Row By a Query where we want to display either the whole data of the table or the data of selected columns and to do so we use the select command to display such things. We can display the data of the table … Read more

How do I Change the Data Type for a column in MySQL?

In this tutorial we will learn How to Change the data Type for a column in MySQL As changing the datatype of any column is a making change in the definition of a table and for making changes in the definition of a table we use alter command where Alter command is used for making … Read more

MySQL – Update query based on SELECT Query

In this tutorial, we will discuss MySQL – Update query based on SELECT Query where both Update and select queries are DML Data Manipulation Languages. where we deal with the data and we manipulate, add, update, or select and display the data as per our choice. Update Command The update command is used for making … Read more

How To Create A Table In New Database.

In this tutorial, we will learn How To Create A Table In New Database where we use DDL Data definition language to create the table using create table clause and by providing the name of the column along with the data type that we want to store in that w=and the size of what that … Read more

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