How do I Check The Versions of Python Modules?

In this Tutorial, we will learn How to Check The Versions of Python Modules as there are around eight methods to check the version of a python module that can be used. Here we will discuss all of them one by one here. Python Module version There are different ways to check the versions of … Read more

Objects | How Do I Determine The Size Of An Object In Python?

In this tutorial, we will learn How To determine the size of an object in python which we can simply find using importing sys inbuild module and using the get size of () method to get the size of the object used in python. This could be used for getting the size of a single … Read more

Threads | Is There Any Way To Kill A Thread?

In this tutorial, we will discuss whether Is there any way to kill a Thread. where the thread is part of a large process and at some times we have to kill the thread as there is the situation of deadlock which simply means we can not go ahead at that moment using such thread … Read more

How Do You Get The Logical xor Of Two Variables In Python?

In this tutorial, we will discuss How do you get the logical xor of two variables in Python where we know that XOR (exclusive or) uses ‘^’ operator to perform XOR between two variables. Now here we will perform this operation over two variables and try to find the result. Logical Operator There are different … Read more

Upper case | How To Change A String Into Upper case?

Here in this tutorial, we will learn more about How to change a string into Upper case which could be done using different ways like using the inbuild function and by adding the number 26 to the ASCII values of lowercase letters as the ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) values of the upper case … Read more

Package VS Module | What Is The Difference Between Python Module And Python Package?

In this Tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between a Python Module And a Python Package where python module can be a simple python file that we can directly use as per our choice where as the package is a collection of all the similar python modules or files which can be directly used for … Read more

How Do I Call A Parent Class’s Method From A Child Class In Python?

To learn more about How to call a parent class’s method from a child class in Python we do use a keyword that is super for getting the methods of the parent class in python. Parent Class In Objective oriented programming languages we have inheritance where we can directly inherit the properties of the parent … Read more

How do I Do A Case-Insensitive String Comparison?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to do a Case-Insensitive String Comparison, which we can perform by simply converting both the strings that we want to compare in either in lower case or uppercase so that every character in the string has the same ASCIIĀ  values and in programming, we compare the character using … Read more

How Do You Round Up A Number?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to round Up A Number we can use the built in function round and truncate which provides the privilege to take a decision on a number of decimal digits or the number of digits that we want to round up. Round Up Round up is a way to … Read more

Sleep | How Do I Get My Program To Sleep For 3 seconds?

In this tutorial, we will learn How to get my program to sleep for 50 milliseconds as the sleep function is used for pausing the current execution of a program as many times we need to give a pause to the execution to avoid deadlock at times. As this sleep built in function is defined … Read more

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