What Are Continue And Break Statements Do?

In this tutorial, we will learn What Continue and break statements do? As the name suggests Continue is used for continuing in a loop whereas breaking helps in coming out of the loop or given block. Continue As the name suggests continue is used for continuing after skipping that executing iteration in a way so … Read more

Why Java is platform independent?

Here we will Learn Why Java is platform- independent? Asjava converts their code into bytecode with the help of a virtual machine that we call java Virtual Machine or (JVM) so that it can be run on any machine or platform as bytecodes can be understood by each and every machine in this world. Java … Read more

Complexity | What Do You Understand By Worst Case, Best Case And Average Case?

Here we will discuss Complexity And What Do You Understand By Worst Case, Best Case, And Average Case? As complexity is defined as the unit of measurement of total space, and time occupied by a program to run in ideal conditions. Ways To Measure Complexity There are some ways to measure the complexity of a … Read more

Difference Between One Dimension And Two Dimensional Array.

Here we will differentiate Between One Dimension And Two Dimensional Array. Where one Dimensional Array array stores the list of a data type where all the elements are stored in a single row or in a way that all the elements have an index number as an integer. Whereas when we talk about two dimension … Read more

Why Multiple Inheritance Is Not Supported In Java And We Can Do So?

Here we will find out Why Multiple Inheritance is not supported in Java And We can do so? As multiple inheritances lead to ambiguity errors so to prevent it is not being allowed in java, using a class but we can perform it using the interface that we will discuss here in detail. Why Multiple … Read more

Variables | Difference Between Declaring Variables Before Or In Loop.

In this Tutorial, we will Differentiate Between Declaring Variables Before Or In a Loop, It is the same as local and global variables where the variable is declared outside the for loop as a global variable and the variable is declared inside for loop. Variables Variables are the places where we actually store our data … Read more

Difference Between System.out.print And System.out.prinln In Java

Here we will Differentiate Between System.out.print And System.out.prinln In Java where System.out.print is used for printing the output on the console whereas System.out.println is also used for printing the output n console but it passes the cursor to the next line just after printing the output. System.out.print is used when we know that printed output … Read more

Why Is The Java Main Method Static?

Here we will find out Why Is The Java Main Method Static? as we know static functions do not require to call by any objects and they can be called on it own compiler so as to start the execution first we need to initiate the execution and for the same, we need some function … Read more

What Is The “String args[]” Parameter In The Main Method?

Today we will Learn What Is The “String args[]” Parameter In The Main Method? where it is a string type array which is used for storing the command line arguments in the form of strings. And args is the name of that string array and the name we can keep as per our requirement. String … Read more

How The Result By == Is Different From equals() In Java?

Here we will discuss How The Result By == Is Different From equals() In Java? As both are used for comparing two variables or quantities but one refers to its memory and the other to the value of that variable. Let’s understand each with the help of some examples. equals () Operator As we know … Read more

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