Some Basic Python String Programs-3

Some Basic Python String Programs-3

Python program to move Word to Rear-end str1 = “Beta Python: Python for U ” word = “Python” #using slicing and find() str2 = str1[:str1.find(word)] + str1[str1.find(word) + len(word):] + word print(str2) #Output: Beta : Python for U Python #using replace() str3 = str1.replace(word,””) + word print(str3) #Output: Beta : for U Python Slicing extracts … Read more

Some Basic Python String Programs-2

Some Basic Python String Programs

Python Program to split a string into groups of n consecutive characters string = “Beta Python: Python for U” n = 5 split_string = [(string[ch:ch+n]) for ch in range(0, len(string), n)] #list comprehension print(split_string) #Output: [‘Beta ‘, ‘Pytho’, ‘n: Py’, ‘thon ‘, ‘for U’] List comprehension is a compact method that defines a list and … Read more

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