What is the purpose of the return statement? How is it different from printing?

  Return Statement Return Statement leads the function to exit and give back the value to its caller after executing the operations in a particular function, As the function has a property of taking something as input as a parameter and giving back the output after executing the operations as return back to the caller … Read more

Python Object Oriented Programming

PYTHON : OOPs Python is a multi-paradigm programming language. It means that Python supports different programming approach. Python Object Oriented Programming approach (OOPs) is the  easiest and the most popular one among them . Introduction to OOPs Object Oriented Programming is referred as a programming approach , where the programs are organised as objects. This … Read more

MergeSort: Divide and Conquer Routine for Sorting in Python

In Algorithmic thinking, Divide and Conquer Paradigm is widely applicable to problem solving. As the name says, Divide and Conquer approach works by dividing a large problem recursively into small tractable sub-problems which can be solved with ease and then the solutions are then combined to the actual problem at hand. Enough verbosity, in this … Read more

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