Difference Between Shallow Copy, Deep Copy And Normal Assignment Operation?

In this post, we will learn What is the difference between shallow copy, deep copy, and normal assignment operation where there are three different ways to make copies of the objects and here we will discuss the differences between all of them. Object Copies There are different ways where we can make copies of Objects … Read more

Why Does Append() Always Return None In Python?

In this post, we will learn Why does append() always return None in Python as append is the task when working on modifying the existing files rather than creating new ones as it adds one object or element at the end of another so it does not results or print anything. Append() Although it can … Read more

Why Does Python Use ‘else’ After For And While Loops?

In this post we will learn Why does Python use ‘ else ‘ after for and while loops which is used for making sure that we have successfully executed the loop and that there is no error or problem or return existing in the loop for example and understand it better have a look at … Read more

How To Use List Comprehension Without [ ] in Python

In this post, we will learn how to use list Comprehension without [ ] in Python as we can use the generator expression and we have used the same to show the example. List Comprehension A Python list comprehension list of squares brackets containing the expression, or the elements is executed for each element along … Read more

What Is The Best Way to Compare Floats For Almost Equality In Python?

In this post, we will learn What is the best way to Compare floats for almost equality in Python as we know that float points are not always the complete number or we can say the points after decimal keeps on coming to it might produce the same error so it is not a good … Read more

Why Do Lists Compare As Greater Than Numbers, And Tuples Greater Than Lists?

In this post, we will learn Why do Lists compare as greater than numbers, and tuples greater than lists and where to make comparisons between two or more different types of data types in python it is governed by a set of rules that we need to follow those rules to compare them and here … Read more

How Does Python 2 Compare String And Int?

In this tutorial, we will learn How does Python 2 Compare strings and int as it might lead to producing an error when we simply Make a comparison between string and int but we can perform the same using another way which is by making the string as an int by simply using int() function … Read more

How to Redirect stdout To A File In Python?

In this post, we will learn How to Redirect stdout to a file in Python which we can do using an in built function called ‘sys’ which provides all the attributes of the attribute which is nothing but a file object which represents the standard output stream. Redirect stdout It is a file handle which … Read more

What Are Iterator, Iterable, And Iteration?

In this post, we will learn What are iterator, iterable, and iteration, where all three terms are related to the iteration which simply means processing, Looping, or going through the whole of the items in the case of a list when we go through all of its elements is known as iteration and this process, … Read more

Does Python Support Short-Circuiting?

In this post we will get to know Does Python support short-circuiting and the answer is yes, that is in logical operators like ‘and’ and ‘or’. Where it is nothing but a behavior checking of the logical operators halt as soon as the result could be determined. Generally, we use it when we find that … Read more

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