Does A Finally Block Always Get Executed In Java?

In this post, we will find out Does A Finally Block Always Get Executed In Java? Yes, finally block is only designed to be executed every time whenever the program is running irrespective of occurring of the exception and handling it as it is independent of occurring of the exception. Exception Handling In Java Exception … Read more

Java array | What Is The Simplest Way To Print A Java Array?

Here we will find The Simplest Way To Print A Java Array. As we can use a loop which could be for or while loop to print all the elements of an array in java which will have the complexity of linear O(n) where n is the size of the array. Array In Java The … Read more

How To Convert Array to list in Java?

Here we will learn How To Convert an Array to a list in Java? we can convert an array to a list in three ways the first way is simply by native manner where iterating each element of the array and keep on storing it in the list, Second is Array.isList() Inbuild function and third … Read more

When does python while loop execute infinitely? Python Programing

While a loop in python is a loop where we check the condition and then execute the set of code and the most important event comes is increments or decrements of the variable where the condition is checked, Most of the initiate loop runs when there are no increments or decrements. Loops in Pythons Loops … Read more

What is Object Oriented Programming And How Is It Better then Procedural Programming?

Today we will discuss Why Java Is Called As Object Oriented Programming? As Java deals with Classes and their Objects and has a number of concepts like Polymorphism, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Encapsulation which are called OPPs concepts. Object Oriented Programming There are a number of advantages of Object-oriented programming which are not there in procedural … Read more

Switch | What Is The Difference In if/else And Switch Statement In Java?

Here in this tutorial, we will draw some Difference In if/else And switch Statement In Java. The switch is used for comparing integers and character values where as if-else can be used for comparing any data type. There are many more differences between the two that we will discuss here. Conditional Operators there are two … Read more

How to convert an Array to a Set in Java?

In This tutorial, we will Learn How to convert an Array to a Set in Java? We can do say this using two ways one is a native method where we simply iterate the array and keep storing the elements in a pre-initialized set. And another method could be using the inbuild function set.of() and … Read more

How Can I Pass An Array As Arguments To A Method With Variable Arguments In Java?

Here We will See Can I Pass An Array As Arguments To A Method With Variable Arguments In Java? As per the Answer Yes we can and for the same, we simply pass it as other variables. Array The array is a data structure that stores mutable values in a continued memory location and we … Read more

How Array are Sort In Java? Ascending or Descending

Here we will learn How Array are Sort In Java? Ascending or Descending As there are a number of algorithms to sort an array but here we will use an inbuild function of Array. sort(arr, Collections.reverseOrder()) which will sort the array arr and return the sorted array in descending order. Array Sorting Array sorting means … Read more

Array | How to add new elements to an array?

Now we will learn How to add new elements to an array? we can do so simply by giving swapping the elements of the existing array to the right to add in between and for adding at the end we can simply by giving index number and against giving the value which you want to … Read more

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