Converting From A String To Boolean In Python.

Here we will learn how we can Converting From A String To a Boolean In Python which can be done using three different ways like bool(), eval(), and map() which might be required when we want to be entered only values and one of them could be entered in such cases we convert the string into boolean so that we can restrict the entries.


Different Ways For Converting String Into Boolean

There are different ways to convert a string into a boolean and we will discuss all here one by one


Here we will take a string and check for a boolean value that is true or false.

s = "hello"
b = bool(s)

Here the output will be true as it will be checking for empty or filled so the answer here will be true for understanding take another example.

s = "False"
b = bool(s)

Here the answer will be false as it already has the value of false.


eval() also examines the string stored in the variable or direct string and results in to true or false as per the string stored.


the map is used when we need to iterate the list for true or false that is boolean for example following the example.

string_ list = ["True", "False", "False", "True", "True", "False"]
bool_ list = list( map( lambda x: x == "True", string_ list))
print( bool_ list)

here it will check for each element present in the list and answer as per the string stored.


To learn more about Converting From A String To Boolean In Python at String and boolean values and conversion.

To learn more about python and boolean values visit How Do I Get a Substring Of A String In Python? | Python Tutorial. and for learning more about programming languages and problems related to them even for tutorials on different concepts visit beta python programming languages Solutions.

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